Rock'n August Show & Shine 2019
Rock'n it in the heart of Alberta...
Every summer the mayor of St. Albert proclaims August Rock’n August Week—a five-day motored extravaganza that attracts thousands of motor enthusiasts from across Western Canada and the United States.
It is indeed a fact that this fun-filled event has turned into an international classic car display showcasing over 850 extraordinary automobiles. Add the enormous support that the citizens of St. Albert give to this fundraiser for the Alberta Diabetes Foundation and you quickly realize that this homegrown event deserves to be experienced in days rather than hours.
After the kick-off pancake breakfast, poker runs, evening cruises, and many show & shines throughout the week, the main show falls on the fifth and last day.
Cradled in wooded greenery and hills, complete with a meandering creek and a historic trestle bridge, this show takes you back to the carefree days as penned by Mark Twain. Blend in a visual mosaic of pristine colour on metal, a myriad of food trucks, local artisans, merchants, and live tunes of the 50s, 60s and 70s, and you have lived the soul of Rock’n August.
This was MOONRCKT's first Rock’n August experience. We underestimated the scale of this show and ran out of day, but captured enough shots to make this the photo article our biggest one yet.